22. Quiz: I Got Bills (6-9)


Use the map() method to take the array of bill amounts shown below, and create a second array of numbers called totals that shows the bill amounts with a 15% tip added.

var bills = [50.23, 19.12, 34.01, 100.11, 12.15, 9.90, 29.11, 12.99, 10.00, 99.22, 102.20, 100.10, 6.77, 2.22];

Print out the new totals array using console.log.

TIP: Check out the toFixed() method for numbers to help with rounding the values to a maximum of 2 decimal places. Note, that the method returns a string to maintain the "fixed" format of the number. So, if you want to convert the string back to a number, you can cast it or convert it back to a number:


Returns: 1

Your Code:

Start Quiz:

 * Programming Quiz: I Got Bills (6-9)
 * Use the .map() method to take the bills array below and create a second array
 * of numbers called totals. The totals array should contains each amount from the
 * bills array but with a 15% tip added. Log the totals array to the console.
 * For example, the first two entries in the totals array would be:
 * [57.76, 21.99, ... ]
 * Things to note:
 *  - each entry in the totals array must be a number
 *  - each number must have an accuracy of two decimal points

var bills = [50.23, 19.12, 34.01,
    100.11, 12.15, 9.90, 29.11, 12.99,
    10.00, 99.22, 102.20, 100.10, 6.77, 2.22


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